Bug Metrics and Incident Management

December 11, 2017 0

The main result of software testing activities is finding bugs that are also called defects or incidents. Besides correcting them, what could you do with the information that they provide? In this extract from her book “Guide to Advanced Software Testing”, Anne Mette Hass discusses how you can define and use metrics from your bug tracking activities to better understand your software testing efforts and software development process.

Reducing the Cost of Large Test Suites

March 14, 2017 0

In software test automation like in programming, the creation phase is always the easier. Then the application is delivered and starts his “maintenance” life, sometimes being tagged with the infamous “legacy” adjective. During this period the code evolve and so should be maintained. This is the same for the code that automate the software testing activity. In his article, Gojko Adzic proposes five ways to reduce the cost of large test suites.

Choosing a Test Case Management Solution for JIRA

January 10, 2017 7

Atlassian JIRA is one of the most popular tool for Agile project management. Many add-ons exist for test case management with this tool. In this article, Vladimir Belorusets presents a set of requirements for an efficient test case management process in JIRA that should help you select the best solution for the software testing needs of your organization.

Take Control of your Test Environment

February 11, 2016 0

Most of us have had to deal with red builds blocking our testing or have been told to test on flaky environments where half the issues you find would ‘never happen in production’. As a tester, I used to think this wasn’t my problem. What happens though when a thinking tester decides this is her problem and wants to be part of the solution?

The Software Testing Cupcake Anti-Pattern

May 5, 2015 0

One of the famous concept in software testing is the testing pyramid defined by Martin Fowler that is based on strong unit tests and has less user interface (UI) tests at the top. Sometimes organizations have a different view of software tests and the pyramid is not a pyramid anymore. In this blog post, Fabio Pereira discusses the case where the pyramid looks like a cupcake.

Selenium + FitNesse – A QA Multiplier Effect

May 5, 2010 0

This video shows how Selenium, integrated into a FitNesse framework can extend an organization’s ability to create more automated test cases without the need for Selenium programming while expanding the ability to test across all popular browsers.

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