Tutorials and resources on how to apply test automation in software testing

State of Mobile Testing 2013

March 4, 2013 2

Are you doing enough mobile testing? Most don’t, find out how you compare to other development and testing teams. XBOSoft surveyed global software development and software testing teams to understand mobile testing best practices. Use the results from their report to benchmark your own efforts. Below is an article based on the part of the report that covers what types of testing organizations do.

The Main Success Factors in Test Automation

January 31, 2013 0

What main factors contribute to success in test automation? What common factors most often lead to the failure of an automation effort? There are no simple universal answers to these questions, but some common elements exist. We believe that two of the most important elements are management issues and the testware architecture:

Dynamic Unit Tests Generation with Easy Coverage

January 22, 2013 0

Easy Coverage is an open source framework that can dynamically generate Java unit tests to perform basic verifications. Easy Coverage is extensible and highly configurable. It can work as a standalone product or it can be used with JUnit. In his blog post, Romain Delamare explains how to dynamically generate Java unit tests with Easy Coverage.

Intelligent Mistakes in Test Automation

January 18, 2013 1

Many people make mistakes in test automation based on good intentions but flawed knowledge. This video presents four intelligent software testing automation mistakes: Automation should find bugs, Test tools are tools for testers, Automate manual tests and Automation has to achieve ROI.

Integrating Selenium After The Fact

November 1, 2012 0

This presentation discusses software testing automation after the fact – or adding Selenium to an existing application. With an existing application, the first step to “doin’ it rite” is to stop doing it so wrong. This talk explains where the bodies are buried when taking an existing Rails application and adding front-end testing after the fact, well after the fact (like a couple of years). What approaches worked, what hasn’t worked and why. Keywords: Cucumber, Jasmine, Rails, Sadness.

Python Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)

October 30, 2012 0

This article from David Sale provides a short introduction to Behavior-Driven Development in Python. The article presents the principles of Behavior Driven Development and present the syntax of the Gherkin language that can be used with the freshen Python package, a clone of the famous Cucumber BDD framework written for Ruby. Freshen is an open source acceptance testing framework for Python that uses (mostly) the same syntax as Cucumber. A small step by step example is provided on how to use freshen and alternative tools are proposed.

Starting Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD)

August 21, 2012 0

You might want to begin by choosing the tool you want to use when you want to introduce ATDD to a project or client. In this article, Markus Gaertner says that this doesn’t work and shares his advice on how to overcome the biggest mistakes from the beginning when you get started with ATDD. He recommends to start with an example. Working together, the team identifies a case that would derive the greatest benefit from being automated. You should define the right approach first, the right people second, the right format third. The format we choose will limit the choice of the tool, but the tool itself should be our last consideration. Instead of thinking about the tool, we should work for clarity in how we write down our examples. All the successful teams he has worked with on ATDD shared one thing: they started with one approach, and they reflected on it regularly. During those retrospectives, they came up with necessary improvements if the approach stopped working for them. If you keep this practice in mind, you can essentially start with any approach.

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