Tutorials and resources on how to apply test automation in software testing

Integration Testing with Multiple Mobile Devices and Services

November 8, 2017 0

Mobly is an open-source, Google-developed, Python-based framework to perform software testing on products that require interactions among multiple devices, like social apps; or tests that require controlling test environment, like WiFi connection. Mobly can support many different types of devices and equipment, and it’s easy to plug your own device or custom equipment/service into Mobly.

Open Source Functional Testing Tools for Mac OS

November 6, 2017 1

Even if Windows might be the most used operating system in software development organizations, it doesn’t mean that you cannot use a computer working with Mac OS to perform functional testing. This article provides a list of open source functional testing tools that work on Mac OS.

Elemental Selenium

October 30, 2017 0

Selenium is a popular open source software testing framework that can be used to automated tests for web applications. Elemental Selenium is a free, once-weekly e-mail newsletter created by Dave Haeffner on how to improve your understanding and your usage of the Selenium tool. All the previous Selenium tips are also freely available on the web site.

Mixing Tests and Production Code With Doctest

October 25, 2017 0

doctest is a fully open source light and feature-rich C++98 / C++11 single-header testing framework for unit tests and TDD. It is inspired by the unittest {} functionality of the D programming language and Python’s docstrings. Tests can be considered a form of documentation and should be able to reside near the production code which they test. This is not possible (or at least practical) with any other testing framework for C++.

Scaling xUnit Test Runners

October 19, 2017 0

xUnit test runners are one of the basic capabilities of rapid iterative development practices such as Continuous Integration and Test Driven Development. This presentation explores how test runners are generally implemented in modern programming languages like PHP, JavaScript and Ruby.

Automated Testing for Continuous Delivery Pipelines

October 4, 2017 0

Today’s continuous delivery (CD) pipeline is a collection of many technologies that ensure the highest quality product reaches production. As a new feature moves from concept to production it goes through several phases of testing. However, for the CD pipeline to remain efficient, the bulk of this testing must be automated. Unit tests, load tests, integration tests, and user interface tests all require automation infrastructure.

Test Automation Starts with Unit Testing

September 25, 2017 0

Even if they are at the basis of the software testing pyramid and they are at the heart of the Test-Driven Development (TDD) approach, unit tests are still a controversial topic in software development and some people event consider that most unit testing is waste. In his blog post, Bas Dijkstra explains why he thinks that unit testing should be the basis of any solid automation strategy.

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