Tutorials and resources on how to apply test automation in software testing

Testing for Accessibility on a Budget

August 18, 2020 0

According to the Norwegian Anti-Discrimination and Accessibility Act all new websites in Norway should be universally designed. Existing websites needs to be universally designed from 2021. To ignore this or postpone the subject until late in the development process can not only be expensive but will often result in sub-optimal solutions.

A Guide for Software Testing in Scrum

August 3, 2020 0

The purpose of this article to share thoughts about software testing activities in the Scrum Agile framework. This article is divided in two main parts. The first part focuses on explaining the Scrum approach, who are the players, how are the plans transformed into actions, key ceremonies and what happens in a Scrum sprint. In the second part, I describe the software testing process followed in Scrum methodology and how it can be integrated within Scrum sprint.

Experiences of Test Automation

June 22, 2020 1

“Tools and machines are great, but in the end, it is the people who matter. Putting together an effective automated test team requires lots of planning and skills.” This might the emblematic quote of this great book about software testing automation. The book groups case studies written each by a different author. Each case study is presented in the preface, so you can pick the story that you prefer, based on many criteria like application domain, tool type… or if the project was successful or not.

Shifting Left Your UI Testing

May 26, 2020 0

You all know Selenium tests are flaky by nature, slow to run, expensive to maintain and finding the root cause of a failure is not always easy. This presentation shows you how to shift your UI tests left with an Agile testing approach.

Testing Legacy C++ Code with Approval Tests

May 11, 2020 0

You have inherited some legacy C++ code: it is valuable, but it doesn’t have tests, and it wasn’t designed to be testable, so you need to start refactoring. But you can’t refactor safely until the code has tests, and you can’t add tests without refactoring! How can you ever break out of this loop?

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