Tutorials and resources on how to apply test automation in software testing

Redefine “Done” To Include Automation for Smarter, Faster Software Delivery

February 28, 2022 1

In pursuing the twin goals of increased speed and continuous innovation, delivery teams have been busily ramping up automation efforts in the last few years. Test automation has been instrumental in helping accelerate release cycles, improve software quality and increase efficiency across the whole software delivery lifecycle (SDLC).

Testing Mobile Apps With Selenium Grid 4 and Appium Together

January 31, 2022 0

Selenium 4 brings a brand-new Grid, full of features and great things! Selenium Grid 4 has a new flexible architecture, allowing you to run it in a fully distributed mode, in the traditional Hub/Node mode, or in the simple Standalone more.

Self-Healing Automated Tests

January 17, 2022 0

Self-Healing Tests is an approach in which machine learning helps with the maintenance of automated tests. Self-Healing, the automation of test automation, recognizes changes in the “system under test” and automatically adapts the test execution so that the tests remain functional.

You Need to Redefine Test Automation

December 7, 2021 0

Test Automation, a term everyone in testing probably hears on a regular basis, but what is it? If we listen to consultancies and tool vendors, it is the holy grail. If we listen to some gurus in the software testing domain, it is the current and future of testing. Others are more conservative. However, you commonly hear people say Test Automation when they actually mean Automated Testing, to be frank, they have become synonyms.

Test Automation in the World of Projects

November 16, 2021 0

The world of a software house is a constant search for compromise between quality and costs. In many cases, the cost-cutting starts from the test automation. Then you start to talk about ROI but recognize that numbers are not on your side. We were there and what we have found out is that only a complete change in our approach allows us to find common ground with our clients.

Google Releases ClusterFuzzLite to Open Source

November 15, 2021 0

Google has announced the availability of ClusterFuzzLite, a continuous fuzzing open source solution that runs as part of CI/CD workflows to find vulnerabilities faster than ever before. ClusterFuzzLite is a continuous fuzzing solution that runs as part of Continuous Integration (CI) workflows to find vulnerabilities faster than ever before.

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