Optimizing Testing: Testing Realities

June 20, 2022 0

How much are software testing and software quality assurance important in today’s software development world. This article explores this topic and how organizations could get the most out of software testing.

What Should Software QA Do?

February 14, 2022 0

This talk try to answer the question of what the software quality assurance (QA) team should be doing, and how it is not only more fruitful for the software development organization, but a more rewarding path for the Testing Craftsman.

Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests

January 5, 2022 0

Object orientation (OO) is not a trendy concept anymore, but it hasn’t certainly lost it values. The purpose of the book “Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests” is to integrate the development of object-oriented software with the Agile testing Test-Driven Development (TDD) approach, more specifically in Java. It starts with an introduction to TDD and the open source testing tools (Junit, jMock2) that will be used in the examples.

Best Practices for SQL Server Configuration Tuning and Improving Performance

December 1, 2021 0

If a SQL server is the bedrock of your app or service, then its performance will be a big part in determining the responsiveness and fluidity of the end-user experience. As such, it is only by monitoring database performance from moment to moment and tracking usage trends over time that you can optimize it successfully.

How Is Software Testing Related To Quality?

October 11, 2021 0

How does your team or organization measure quality? People often equate software testing to good quality. If you have good testing practices, does that mean you have a good quality software product? Many teams measure process quality and don’t realize they forget about the product quality – which is what the customer cares about.

Minimizing Risks in QA Outsourcing

August 16, 2021 2

You have to assess the risks and the benefits of every decision you make in software testing and quality assurance. In this article, Sandra Parker explains how to minimize the risks of outsourcing your software QA activities.

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