Mobile software testing tutorials
Functional testing is an important checkpoint before releasing a mobile application. In this article, Dmitriy Radchenko shares a checklist of some of the basic points that will be common among mobile applications when you need to perform functional testing.
With the multiplication of versions, platforms (desktop, mobile, tablets) and operating systems, testing an application that is supposed to run in a browser is not easy. In this article, Alexander Rayskiy proposes an approach to select the set of browsers that will be used during the software testing activities.
Software testing is an important and tricky topic for mobile app development. With multiple operating systems versions and devices manufacturers, it is very time consuming to cover all possible combinations. This is why it is recommended automate testing with a parallel perspective rather than performing tests sequentially. In this article, Bakir Jusufbegović explains how to implement parallel mobile testing for iOS devices with Appium.
Software testing is an important and tricky topic for mobile app development. With multiple operating systems versions and devices manufacturers, it is very time consuming to cover all possible combinations. This is why it is recommended to automate testing with a parallel perspective rather than performing tests sequentially. In this article, Tarik Demirović explains how to implement parallel mobile testing for Android devices with Appium.
Mobile phones have changed the way many people do banking and led to the creation of many “virtual” banks that provide their services only online. In this case, the mobile app is one the key element for customer contact. In this article, Pavel Novik outlines the main software testing activities to deliver successful mobile banking apps.
Automated testing is a key success factor when you develop mobile applications. In the Android ecosystem, the free Android Studio tool provides many useful features for apps developers. In this article, Nikolay Belousov explores how you can use Android Studio for software testing and explains how to retrieve logs.
Your car, your fridge, your thermostat might share one thing in common: an Internet connection. This new phenomenon is called the Internet of Things or IoT. All these connected hardware are also driven by software that should be subjected to software testing. In this article, Pavel Novik discusses the main challenges of testing IoT devices.