Articles, tutorials, videos and tools to perform software testing with cucumber.

Behavior-Driven Development for Ruby on Rails

November 7, 2011 1

Behavior-driven development (BDD) is similar to test-driven development (TDD), but the tests for BDD are written in an easier-to-understand language so that developers and clients alike can clearly understand what is being tested. In this article based on chapter 2 of Rails 3 in Action, the authors discuss two tools for BDD: RSpec and Cucumber.

Selenium and Cucumber

May 25, 2011 0

Wouldn’t it be nice to have the Business Analyst write out the acceptance criteria in plain English, and then have those criteria run as tests? Join us for a beginner to intermediate walk through of Cucumber and Selenium. Learn how to write tests that are easy to understand and run. There will be plenty of examples and sample code to get you going in the right direction.

Cucumber versus Steak

January 31, 2011 0

Iain Hecker discuses the way to describe behavior in Cucumber compared to the simpler option provided by Steak. Cucumber and Steak are two open source ruby behavior driven development (BDD) tools.

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