Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) agile testing articles, tools, tutorials and videos.
SpecFlow provides a pragmatic and frictionless approach to Acceptance Test Driven Development and Behavior Driven Development for .NET projects . This video shows how to use SpecFlow to create specifications and leverage Telerik’s WebAii Test Automation Framework for driving the browser through code. Download the video on Develop Using .NET
Gojko Adzic explains his point of view on the different purposes of Behavior Driven Development and unit tests.
Iain Hecker discuses the way to describe behavior in Cucumber compared to the simpler option provided by Steak. Cucumber and Steak are two open source ruby behavior driven development (BDD) tools.
Many of the most common problems people have with implementing BDD or agile acceptance testing come from a misalignment of conceptual models. By changing our view at the specifications/tests we can make most of those issues go away instantly. This post explains the principle of symmetric change: one small change in a business model should require one small change to executable specifications.
Testing is a fundamental part of the Agile process. We live and breathe TDD/BDD. Red/Green/Refactor is our daily mantra. We love cucumber and writing executable, customer readable specifications. We even write tests for our JavaScripts.
Rspec is a great tool in the behavior driven design process of writing human readable specifications that direct and validate the development of your application. Follow these practices to write elegant and maintainable specifications.
This video demonstrates the basic of Test Driven Development in Java using Eclipse. From basic tests and basic production code, to refactoring, and some splashes of Behavior Driven Development, watch production code get created test first.