Choosing the Right Mobile Automation Framework
People who deal with the design of any mobile system sooner or later begin to ask the same questions. What specific test automation framework should I choose for mobile tests?
Articles, tutorials, videos and tools to perform software testing for Android
People who deal with the design of any mobile system sooner or later begin to ask the same questions. What specific test automation framework should I choose for mobile tests?
The shift towards mobile platforms is a strong trend currently and Android is the most widely adopted mobile OS with an estimated market share above 80% in 2014. You should naturally test all the apps developed for Android and a large number of open source testing tools and test automation frameworks have been developed to achieve this goal.
Automated testing is a key success factor when you develop mobile applications. In the Android ecosystem, the free Android Studio tool provides many useful features for apps developers. In this article, Nikolay Belousov explores how you can use Android Studio for software testing and explains how to retrieve logs.
Creating a comprehensive testing suite is imperative to success in the mobile market to ensure your app is of the highest quality with each and every release. Unit tests can only test your core business logic. How can you ensure your user interface is bulletproof and regression free on four versions of iOS on 20 devices or eight versions of android on over 18,000 device models? This is where creating automated user interface testing for mobile apps comes in.
With the important number of devices and customized operating systems, the testing of mobile apps can take a long time. Manual testing is almost impossible and normal automated testing can take a very long time. In this article, Sai Krishna explains how to run mobile tests in parallel using the Appium open source testing tool.
This talk introduces the core accessibility affordances on the Android platform and illustrate some common developer pitfalls related to accessibility. You’ll learn about the new Android Accessibility Test Framework and its integration into the Espresso and Robolectric testing frameworks. Finally, you’ll learn how easy it is to add automated accessibility checking to your your existing Android project tests.
Software robots, such as Monkey can be used to test Android applications without much manual effort. There are several such tools proposed in academia whose goal is to automatically generate test input to drive Android applications.
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