Quality is a Team Sport
In theory everyone on an Agile team is responsible for software testing, but in practice this is rarely the case. Learn how to make quality a team sport in Scrum teams.
Agile testing tutorials and how to content : Test-Driven Development (TDD), Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) and other agile approaches for software testing.
In theory everyone on an Agile team is responsible for software testing, but in practice this is rarely the case. Learn how to make quality a team sport in Scrum teams.
Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is an software development technique that use a specific format that allows both to describe the system requirements, the features, and to feed an functional software testing tool that will allow to verify the software product. In this blog post, Shashikant Jagtap explains how to write better feature files.
Software testing during the transition to Agile is not easy. This fourth and final part proposes 7 practical tips for a smooth adoption of Agile software testing practices. From better communication to test automation, these tips should help to solve some of the issues that are naturally associated with this transition. Remember that it is up to you, as a team, to implement your kind of Agile and if you love it or hate it.
It is often said that “it’s always the baker’s children who have no bread”. In this very interesting article, Ed Glas explains how Microsoft manage the load testing efforts for its Visual Studio Online tool based on a Cloud architecture.
Agile testing and test automation are almost mandatory for projects that demand high quality as well as short release cycles like Scrum. It acts as a safety net in order to protect existing functionality against bugs resulting from unintended side-effects of recent changes. Software developers “in the trenches” often automate their tests but don’t practice strict Test-Driven Development (TDD).
Software testing during the transition to Agile is not easy. This third part explains how your software quality assurance processes should change. It discusses how to cope with rapid development cycle and frequent code changes that are at the heart of the Agile approaches.
Software testing during the transition to Agile, particularly if you’re moving from a classic waterfall system, is not easy. This part discusses how to perform software testing when you don’t have the classical workflow of documented test cases and bug requests than in a traditional approach.
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