AppQuality Crowd Testing Platform Receives €3.5 million

You might think that the crowd testing space is already crowded, but some companies are still expanding like Italian startup AppQuality that announced recently raising €3.5 million in a financial round.

Founded in 2015, AppQuality uses the power of the crowd to test apps, websites, chatbots, facebook pages, landing pages, newsletters, digital products and ADV campaigns online. Its crowd-based platform brings together a community of 15,000+ remote testers, in order to help companies build high-quality apps and websites. AppQuality has major clients like Pirelli, BMW, Bending Spoons, Unicredit, Moncler, Allianz, Enel, Vodafone or Dyson.

The funds raised will be used by AppQuality to speed up services, reduce cost and make them more effective than traditional testing methods. Their focus will remain on creating tools and services that detect defects and improve customer experience, expanding their community of expert testers and increase the potential of collective intelligence via effective collaboration tools. The startup also aims to expand further into European markets.