The Test Leadership Congress is a software testing event that takes place in New York, packed with presentations and workshops. This conference is targeted to everyone who leads and manages software testing or testers, whether your title does include “QA” /”Test” or not. The Test Leadership Congress provides years of practice, experience, innovation and thought leadership about software testing on stage.
In the agenda of Test Leadership Congress conference you can find topics like “Hiring for Quality”, “Growing Your Testers to Grow Your Business”, “What do Test Managers Really Do”, “Rethinking Your Testing Role”, “Teaching Explorative Testing in Teams”, “Advanced Automation for Agile: UI, Web Services, and BDD”, “Agile Testing for Agile Projects: a case for Session-Based Test Management”, “Strategic Leadership for Testers: Developing Testing Strategy and Leading by Example”, “DevOps for Testers from A to Z”, “The Dying Art of Test Management”, “Driving Quality in an Environment of Rapid Innovation: Think Global, Act Local”, “Radical Test Management. Raising relevant testing teams out of the ashes of the 21st century Quality Centers of Excellence”, “Testing Is Your Brand. Sell it!”, “Determining Automation Strategy”, “Why I Lost My Job As a Test Manager and What I Learned As a Result”, “Beginning And Architecting Automated Acceptance Tests”, “Advanced Automation Workshop: Using Code To Test Code”.
Website for Test Leadership Congress conference: