Software Testing Videos and Tutorials: Load Testing, Unit Testing, Functional Testing, Performance Testing, Agile Testing, DevOps
Web-platform-tests is a large test suite used with WebDriver to ensure browsers stay compliant to web standards and in doing so remain interoperable. Along with being run in most browsers as part of their continuous integration (CI) system, we run the whole test suite over a dozen times a day to provide a public dashboard for both those working on browsers and those more generally working on standards.
Security testing is often seen as a mysterious and foreboding domain, where people enshrouded in hooded masks wield mystical powers to influence technology in ways that should be impossible. Vulnerabilities, hacks, disclosures, exploits and other spooky concepts seem to be the primary powers in this dark digital Mordor.
Gojko Adzic presents five universal rules for test automation, that will help you bring continuous integration and software testing to the darkest corners of your system. Learn how to wrestle large test suites into something easy to understand, maintain and evolve, at the same time increasing the value from your automated tests.
This talk try to answer the question of what the software quality assurance (QA) team should be doing, and how it is not only more fruitful for the software development organization, but a more rewarding path for the Testing Craftsman.
Selenium 4 brings a brand-new Grid, full of features and great things! Selenium Grid 4 has a new flexible architecture, allowing you to run it in a fully distributed mode, in the traditional Hub/Node mode, or in the simple Standalone more.
Self-Healing Tests is an approach in which machine learning helps with the maintenance of automated tests. Self-Healing, the automation of test automation, recognizes changes in the “system under test” and automatically adapts the test execution so that the tests remain functional.
It is becoming more and more challenging to test mobile apps on different devices, with different screen sizes, running different operating systems. During the development of a mobile app, we can easily verify and test the app on a mobile simulator or emulator.