Software Testing Videos and Tutorials: Load Testing, Unit Testing, Functional Testing, Performance Testing, Agile Testing, DevOps
Creating a comprehensive testing suite is imperative to success in the mobile market to ensure your app is of the highest quality with each and every release. Unit tests can only test your core business logic. How can you ensure your user interface is bulletproof and regression free on four versions of iOS on 20 devices or eight versions of android on over 18,000 device models? This is where creating automated user interface testing for mobile apps comes in.
This talk introduces the core accessibility affordances on the Android platform and illustrate some common developer pitfalls related to accessibility. You’ll learn about the new Android Accessibility Test Framework and its integration into the Espresso and Robolectric testing frameworks. Finally, you’ll learn how easy it is to add automated accessibility checking to your your existing Android project tests.
Almost every manual QA started with Selenium IDE or at least tried it at some point, and the retention rate is close to 0. This talk depicts the challenges that Test Automation Developers face. We categorize the challenges, name them, and see the skill set required to overcome the difficulties.
The microservice architecture has been growing momentum over the past few years in the Java world, but once you have started down the microservice path how do you make sure that your applications are still fully tested?
Specializing static analysis techniques for test suites has yielded interesting results. We’ve previously learned that most tests are simple straight-line code, namely a sequence of setup statements followed by a payload consisting of asserts. We show how static analysis can identify useless setup statements, enabling developers to simplify and speed up their test cases.
How many times do we test the same things at multiple layers, multiple levels, adding time to the build process and testing cycle, delaying the feedback? We know what to test and how to test, but what is the right place to test it?
Using patterns of yore (like Martin Fowler’s supervising controller, effective use of presenters and view model state), this presentation discusses the everyday really annoying impediments to user interface(UI) testing. You will learn what parts of the UI need testing and effective ways of testing them.