Software Testing Videos and Tutorials: Load Testing, Unit Testing, Functional Testing, Performance Testing, Agile Testing, DevOps
This presentation explains the new system specs in RSpec, how to set them up, and what benefits they provide to test the browser stack of your application. If you want to improve your RSpec testing suite for your browser including JavaScript with full stack testing this talk is for you!
Matt Wynne, co-founder of Cucumber, delivers a short webinar presentation on 10 easy ways to fail at Behavior-Driven Development (BDD). Many organizations desperately want to enjoy the benefits of practicing Agile testing BDD, yet set themselves up for failure.
There is a lot of talk around software testing - who will do it, when it needs to happen, boxes it needs to fit in — yet not enough on the actual testing. This webinar explores one problem in a demo setting using an exploratory testing approach. This means live testing (and live coding) to figure out the options to get a test program covered – for code coverage, for spec coverage and for risk coverage.
Spock was a game changer for all the Java software developers struggling with unit testing in JUnit 4. Compact syntax, parameterized tests or flexibility to mention just a few advantages. Over 10 years after JUnit 4.0, the brand new, written from scratch, Java 8 optimized JUnit 5 has been released. Is it still worth to write tests in Spock?
As traditional knowledge sharing is no longer an effective way to deliver great software, the presenter has modified the mob programming concept to mob testing to improve the way teams communicate. This innovative approach to software testing allows the whole software development team to share every piece of information early on.
Software Testing is hard. Realistic testing of web applications in a real browser is even harder. In this video, Gleb Bahmutov shows you how to quickly test any web application using cutting-edge tools. Then you will see how to build high-quality software from individual modules using appropriate tools and creating an environment where bugs can be discovered immediately and fixed quickly.
If you are in bed with your partner but you are not collaborating, then nothing good is going to happen. This is thee same for quality assurance (QA) and software testing in Agile development projects.