Software Testing Videos and Tutorials: Load Testing, Unit Testing, Functional Testing, Performance Testing, Agile Testing, DevOps

Sleeping Better at Night

October 12, 2020 0

Why are we afraid to deploy software on Friday evening? Well, mostly because no one wants to debug production issues on Saturday and we really want to go home. Answering the (seemingly) basic question of “does the code actually work?” is surprisingly difficult at times.

Modern Web Testing: Going Beyond Selenium

September 28, 2020 0

It is safe to say that Selenium WebDriver is the number one testing tool for many software engineers across the globe. However, as the software development world has been growing rapidly, so has the software testing industry. More and more UI testing frameworks besides Selenium are gaining popularity.

Integration Testing a Cloud Native Application with JavaScript

August 31, 2020 0

This talk will take you through the challenge of testing a cloud-native application that uses MQTT (a pub/sub protocol), webhooks and REST to interact with IoT devices on top of AWS. It uses services which cannot be run on a developers machine for testing, so it was needed to develop a test setup which enables us to continuously test against real services.

Testing for Accessibility on a Budget

August 18, 2020 0

According to the Norwegian Anti-Discrimination and Accessibility Act all new websites in Norway should be universally designed. Existing websites needs to be universally designed from 2021. To ignore this or postpone the subject until late in the development process can not only be expensive but will often result in sub-optimal solutions.

Your Everyday Software Tester

June 30, 2020 0

As a software tester, inspiration could come from anywhere and everywhere. As we navigate through life, we do so in a way that test the limits of our abilities. Questions I have asked myself in the past are, “Can I make it to work on time if I leave now?”, “What happens if I use baking soda instead of baking powder?”, and on days when I am feeling especially strong, “Can I deadlift 200lbs?”.

Assuring or Not Assuring Software Quality?

June 15, 2020 0

Continuous testing, continuous delivery, DevOps – these are all terms very popular in the last couple of years, and they all involve a shift in the way we deliver products, software testing included! So who is responsible for the quality assurance nowadays?

Patterns & Anti-Patterns For Effective Feature Flagging

June 2, 2020 0

A feature toggle is a DevOps technique that provides an alternative to maintaining multiple branches in source code, such that a software feature can be tested even before it is completed and ready for release. Feature toggle is used to hide, enable or disable the feature during runtime.

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