Software Testing Articles, Blog Posts, Books, Podcasts and Quotes
“Would you trust a programmer to test your application? It’s like asking a Fox to guard the chicken-house, right?” This is the beginning of this post that deals with the issue of having programmers testing their own code.
Selenium is an open source project with no formal guidance, making problem investigation time-intensive for testers. This article provides best practices for common issues during testing based on Selenium 1.0, which was released in June 2009.
Many of the most common problems people have with implementing BDD or agile acceptance testing come from a misalignment of conceptual models. By changing our view at the specifications/tests we can make most of those issues go away instantly. This post explains the principle of symmetric change: one small change in a business model should require one small change to executable specifications.
This blog post is about the fact that testers are probably the biggest generalists on any team and they should try to pair with other development roles to increase their knowledge.
Rspec is a great tool in the behavior driven design process of writing human readable specifications that direct and validate the development of your application. Follow these practices to write elegant and maintainable specifications.
Keyword Driven Testing is the next generation test automation approach that separates the task of automated test case implementation from the automation infrastructure.
“Metrics for Implementing Automated Software Testing” presents metrics that you can use to manage the transition towards automation of software tests.