Software Testing Articles, Blog Posts, Books, Podcasts and Quotes
Test-Driven Development (TDD) is one of the main technical practice of agile software development. In his blog post, Bradley Braithwaite shared the top five Test-Driven Development mistakes based on his own experience as a consultant. These mistakes lead organizations to abandon TDD because they think that there is no return on the time invested in Test-Driven Development or the code base become more difficult to maintain.
Test Driven Development (TDD) is a powerful tool to produce quality code, but if it is not used correctly it can also put your project in a difficult position if it is not used correctly. In this article, Jakub Nabrdalik explains that TDD is simple to learn, but hard to master. He shares some tips on how to avoid Test Driven Development traps.
What main factors contribute to success in test automation? What common factors most often lead to the failure of an automation effort? There are no simple universal answers to these questions, but some common elements exist. We believe that two of the most important elements are management issues and the testware architecture:
This article from Keith Burnell presents best practices and techniques to increase the testability of ASP.NET MVC applications. This includes how to structure the solution, architecting the code to handle the injection of dependencies and implementing dependency injection with StructureMap.
Easy Coverage is an open source framework that can dynamically generate Java unit tests to perform basic verifications. Easy Coverage is extensible and highly configurable. It can work as a standalone product or it can be used with JUnit. In his blog post, Romain Delamare explains how to dynamically generate Java unit tests with Easy Coverage.
This article explains how you can set up a unit test method that will retrieve values used in the test method from a data source using the Microsoft unit test framework for managed code. Creating these data-driven unit tests makes it easy to test a multiple inputs with a single method.
Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code with a clean, obvious syntax so that you can easily write tests. Testem is test runner that makes Javascript unit testing easier. In this blog post, Joe Zimmerman provides a step by step approach to set up a Jasmine unit testing environment with Testem.