Software Testing Articles, Blog Posts, Books, Podcasts and Quotes
This article provides a comparison between HP QuickTest Professional (QTP) and Selenium. They are popular test automation tools that are used for functional and regression testing. The purpose of this comparison is not to say which is better tool, but it consists of comparison of tool based on different criteria like supported O/S, browser, object spy, object repository, license cost etc. This article is targeted for readers having prior working knowledge of automation approach and at least one automation tool.
In an exploration of the best tools to perform unit testing on JavaScript code, Matthew Setter explores how QUnit can perform this task. QUnit is an open source JavaScript unit testing framework that is used by the jQuery, jQuery UI and jQuery Mobile projects and is capable of testing any generic JavaScript code.
The .NET Micro Framework (NETMF) is an open source .NET platform for resource-constrained devices. It supports development in C#, Visual Basic .NET, and debugging (in an emulator or on hardware) using Microsoft Visual Studio. In this blog post, Mark Nichols explains how to perform unit testing for the .NET Micro Framework.
In my previous column PHP Unit Testing with PHPUnit,I showed how to set up PHPUnit and how to run a few simple tests. You should be able to test any function or method now that doesn’t rely on making calls out to other methods or functions – which is of course very few, as most applications are a complex combination of methods and, in PHP’s case, functions.
Many organizations are currently using an Agile approach to software development. In this context, small teams are recommended with an emphasis on collaboration between team members and cross-functional people. In this blog post, Rob Lambert discusses the actual skills of software testers and how they go beyond software testing, producing what is call a “t-shaped tester”.
Writing and keeping up to date documentation in software development projects has always been a problem. In this blog post, Jim Bird discusses the idea of using automated tests to document a software system. He also ask the questions: what do tests document? who will find this documentation useful?
Answering an article saying that you cannot use exploratory testing in Agile, Huib Schoots tries to explain what exploratory testing is and why it is suitable to perform this activity in an Agile context.