Software Testing Articles, Blog Posts, Books, Podcasts and Quotes

Naming Conventions for JUnit

March 24, 2014 0

Finding common naming conventions for software development items (variables, classes, etc.) is a major factor to help people collaborate in software development projects. Finding good names is also good if you work on your own and have to revisit your code some months after you wrote it. In this blog post Frank Appel discusses his experience with naming JUnit tests.

Using a Model Based Approach to Evaluate and Improve Mobile User Experience

March 17, 2014 0

2Q2U (Quality, Quality in use, actual Usability and User experience) is a specific model used to evaluate the quality of the User Experience (UX) of a mobile application. This article presents a way to use the model and step through the process of doing a real evaluation on the road to improving a mobile application’s usability and UX.

Overcoming 4 Challenges of Mobile App Testing

March 10, 2014 0

Mobile devices are now one of the major market for software. This article discusses the four main challenges of software testing concerning mobile applications: the variety of devices and operating systems; the performance of networks, the user interfaces; the limited amount of software testing tools targeting this area.

Unit Testing Mistakes

March 4, 2014 0

Unit testing seems to be the most natural way for programmers to test their own code. In this small blog post, Henrik Warne shares some of the issues that people have when they switch from manual testing to a unit testing framework like JUnit.

Transition to Agile Testing – Part 3 The New Processes

February 24, 2014 0

Software testing during the transition to Agile is not easy. This third part explains how your software quality assurance processes should change. It discusses how to cope with rapid development cycle and frequent code changes that are at the heart of the Agile approaches.

Using a Debugger or a Log to Find Bugs

February 18, 2014 0

When you have a bug in your software, you cannot always just read the code to find the cause of the bug. Two techniques are used for further investigation: the debugger allow to follow the execution of the code, while writing logs allow write multiple snapshots of contexts. In this article, Henrik Warne explains why you cannot rely only on a debugger to find bugs.

Developing a Model to Evaluate and Improve Mobile User Experience

February 11, 2014 2

A Model Based Approach To Evaluating and Improving Mobile User Experience was the first article of Philip Lew that introduced the context that creates the need for a model-based approach to evaluate mobile user experience. This article presents the concepts of the ISO 25010 model and 2Q2U (Quality, Quality in use, actual Usability and User experience).

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