Software Testing Articles, Blog Posts, Books, Podcasts and Quotes

The Software Testing Cupcake Anti-Pattern

May 5, 2015 0

One of the famous concept in software testing is the testing pyramid defined by Martin Fowler that is based on strong unit tests and has less user interface (UI) tests at the top. Sometimes organizations have a different view of software tests and the pyramid is not a pyramid anymore. In this blog post, Fabio Pereira discusses the case where the pyramid looks like a cupcake.

Things to Remember When Writing Tests

April 28, 2015 0

Writing test should be part of the normal routine of every software developer. It is however not always the case. In his book ” Bad Tests, Good Tests”, Tomek Kaczanowski provides some interesting tips to improve your test writing activity.

Should You Test in Production ?

April 21, 2015 0

Although it could appear like a counterintuitive concept, the idea of performing software testing in production has gained more and more visibility in a software development world that aims for rapid delivery of new features and where it could be more and more difficult to reproduce the full complexity of applications in a separate environment. In this article, Marc van ’t Veer discusses the concept of testing in production and why it should be performed.

Mobile Games Testing Approaches

April 7, 2015 0

Testing mobile games requires particular approaches as they can be played on multiple devices and OS versions. In this article, Ville-Veikko Helppi discusses the different approaches for mobile game testing, as well as infrastructural and architectural aspects of this activity.

Considerations for Best Practices with Selenium

March 30, 2015 1

Selenium is a widely used open source tool used for software testing that provides a record/playback IDE for authoring software tests without learning a specific test scripting language. In this article, Brian Van Stone provides some best practices on how to successfully use Selenium for your test automation efforts.

Unit Testing Costs and Benefits

March 10, 2015 0

There is always a lot of discussions about the costs and benefits of unit testing. The opposition was exacerbated by the adoption of Test-Driven Development (TDD), a technique that recommends writing unit tests before you write the code. In this blog post, Steven Sanderson discusses unit testing with a costs and benefits perspective.

The Software Tester as a Designer

March 3, 2015 0

Software testing is an activity that has often been placed at the end of the software development life cycle, something that you did if there were some time left before the project deadline. In his book ” Scrum Shortcuts without Cutting Corners”, Ilan Goldstein explains that the software testers should be active since the beginning of the project.

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