Software Testing Articles, Blog Posts, Books, Podcasts and Quotes
As a major part of the software usage activity is gradually shifting to mobile devices, knowing how to test mobile applications is now a very valuable skill for software testers. The book “Tap Into Mobile Application Testing” written by Jonathan Kohl provides an extensive coverage of the mobile software testing domain written by an experience practitioner.
Mockito is a popular open source mocking framework for Java code. In this article, Marcin Grzejszczak explains how you can use Mockito by adding it to different paths. You will also learn how to implement new tests by using Mockito hints and warnings.
QualiTest has recently produced a report and an infographic about the typology and sources of the most common bugs found in web sites. The company has used for this the bug summaries from hundreds of web site testing projects performed recently.
Exploratory testing is a concept of software testing where the tester combines application learning, test design and test execution in the same activity. This approach can showcase the results that a skilled tester can provide with manual tests. In this article, Kimberly A. Stockett provides three key approaches about how to change the attitudes of your software development team to adopt exploratory testing.
One of the current theory about testing is that programmers take care of the unit tests and QA people manage the higher levels of the testing pyramid. In his blog post, Kenny Cruden discusses the fact that this theoretical approach can work in practice.
A paradev is defined as “anyone on a software team that doesn’t just do programming.” In his book “Pride and Paradev”, Alister Scott discusses a lot of the trade-off and issues met by software testers in an Agile software development project. As the world is not black or white, he decided to write a collection of contradictory claims about software testing; knowing that the practical implications lie somewhere in between.
The user interface (UI) is an important part of the functionality of Android mobile apps, so you should be able to perform extensive UI tests. Google’s Mona El Mahdy has published has published on the Google Software Testing blog a post that presents four strategies to test Android UI, aiming to create UI tests that are both fast, reliable and easy to debug.