Software Testing Articles, Blog Posts, Books, Podcasts and Quotes
Software testing doesn’t stop when your website is live and monitoring your website uptime or response time is a key aspect of software quality assurance. If your website is slow or down, it means you are losing clients: with no access to your pages, how are they supposed to use your services and contact you?
Like many Agile approaches, the principles of Test-Driven-Development (TDD) and its Red-Green-Refactor cycle seem deceptively simple. As often, things are more complicated in practice and this is why Jason Gorman wrote a 200 pages book about TDD that explores the multiples dimensions of this approach.
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) is gaining wide acceptance in the software development world, the question is open on how you should apply software testing practices to this type of software. Based on a true story, Anna Royzman explains that you need to carefully design your test strategy… and not only for AI software.
Even in the era of cloud computing when you can scale your infrastructure more easily, building and managing a software that can scale and support a large number of users is more than just putting more powerful hardware. In this article, Dmitro Kosenko discusses the main principles behind load testing and proposes a step by step process to perform load testing using Microsoft’s Visual Studio Team Service.
A Coach’s Guide to Agile Testing is part of the nice series proposed to Agile coaches by Samantha Laing and Karen Greaves. This book provides a complete plan to run a workshop where members of a Scrum team can understand and learn the concepts behind Agile Testing.
It is not easy to write good automated tests as it involves to create and maintain a stable testing environment and configure the right tools. In this free less extracted from his “Test With Spring” course, Petri Kainulainen explains how to run integration tests With Maven, Spock edition.
Continuous Testing is the process of executing automated tests as part of the software delivery pipeline to obtain immediate feedback on the business risks associated with a software release candidate. This practice is strongly associated to the Continuous Delivery approach. In his article “Continuous Testing in .NET”, Damir Arh proposes an overview of continuous testing and how to implement it in Visual Studio.