Software Testing Articles, Blog Posts, Books, Podcasts and Quotes

Speed Up Software Testing and Fit in CI/CD

October 21, 2019 0

Faster software delivery through approaches like DevOps or Continuous Delivery impacts software testing practices. This article summarizes the steps that software testing teams can undertake in order to adapt to the fast development process in projects with Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD).

Getting Performance Testing Back on Track

October 7, 2019 0

Agile, DevOps, Continuous Delivery, Testing in Production: all these modern trends put pressure on the traditional approach to software testing in general and more specifically on the performance testing activity. In this article, V.M.Guruprasath explains issues created by the new context and proposes some possible solutions.

Safe Software Testing in Production

September 23, 2019 1

Performing software testing in production is not a taboo anymore in our era of cloud computing and DevOps. This article discusses different types and approaches to do software testing in production and associated contexts, during which one or another kind of functional testing is useful. Also, we will describe in detail about the effective organization of the safe testing of various services in production.

Software Testing Automation: How to Avoid Common Mistakes

August 5, 2019 1

Different people from the software testing field can have completely opposing opinions about the process of test automation. Sometimes it happens that after a while, the initial expectations and hopes of this substantially costly investment are not justified at all. In simple words, test automation does not bring the expected profits. In this article, we will try to understand why such situations happen and how to avoid the most common mistakes.

Lean-Agile Acceptance Test-Driven Development

July 10, 2019 0

Acceptance tests are defined in this book as the test created by the customer in collaboration with the developer and the tester prior to implementation. They are not the traditional user acceptance tests performed after implementation. Although acceptance tests can be used at different development stages, Ken Pugh proposes mainly in this book an approach where all project stakeholders will collaborate to create tests that validate business requirements.

Software Testing Doesn’t End With DevOps

May 21, 2019 0

As DevOps accelerates the deployment of code from the development to the production environments, this influences the execution of the software testing activity that should assess the quality of this code. How do we integrate software testing into DevOps? Does DevOps mean the end of testing? Luz Parra provides some answers these questions.

More Agile Testing

May 14, 2019 0

The “More Agile Testing” book is the sequel to the book Agile Testing written by Janet Gregory and Lisa Crispin. This book continues to explore the topic of software testing in an Agile context.

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