Software Testing Articles: Load Testing, Unit Testing, Functional Testing, Performance Testing, Agile Testing, DevOps
This article explains how Microsoft Fakes perform a similar role than mocking in unit testing, helping you to isolate the code you are testing in Visual Studio by replacing other parts of the application with stubs or shims. A stub replaces another class with a small substitute that implements the same interface. A shim modifies the compiled code of your application at run time so that instead of making a specified method call, it runs the shim code that your test provides.
Many software development projects struggle with creating and communicating a software testing culture that is appropriate for their needs, which might decrease software quality by leaving bugs undiscovered. Previous research suggests that social coding sites such as GitHub provide a collaborative environment with a high degree of social transparency. This makes developers’ actions and interactions more visible and trackable.
Codan is a code analysis framework that performs code checks on C/C++ projects. It is part of the Eclipse CDT (C/C++ Development Tooling) suite since 2011. Codan was updated with the Eclipse Juno release in June 2012 to enable developers to automatically execute external code analysis tools within Eclipse. In this article, Alex Ruiz explains why the update is good news for users of Eclipse CDT, then shows you how to use Java code and a little bit of XML to quickly integrate your favorite code checker into your Eclipse C/C++ development environment, using Cppcheck as an example. The article provides a detailed step by step process to achieve this goal that requires just about 100 lines of simple Java code and 30 lines of XML.
There are solutions which provide the ability to automatically run your tests as you code. This tutorial shows how to use a Ruby gem, called watchr to monitor your code and automatically run the appropriate tests whenever you save your work. This is how you can automated Test-Driven Development (TDD) on your PHP code. The watchr gem is an executable program written in Ruby, and it wraps around features found in an operating system’s file system to provide the ability to watch for changes made to a specific file or folder. The tutorial provides a step by step approach on how to use it and integrate it in your PHP coding activities.
You might want to begin by choosing the tool you want to use when you want to introduce ATDD to a project or client. In this article, Markus Gaertner says that this doesn’t work and shares his advice on how to overcome the biggest mistakes from the beginning when you get started with ATDD. He recommends to start with an example. Working together, the team identifies a case that would derive the greatest benefit from being automated. You should define the right approach first, the right people second, the right format third. The format we choose will limit the choice of the tool, but the tool itself should be our last consideration. Instead of thinking about the tool, we should work for clarity in how we write down our examples. All the successful teams he has worked with on ATDD shared one thing: they started with one approach, and they reflected on it regularly. During those retrospectives, they came up with necessary improvements if the approach stopped working for them. If you keep this practice in mind, you can essentially start with any approach.
In this short article, Mahfoud Amiour introduces the PURIFF acronym as a reminder to all the software testing to be conducted during the Scrum sprint. In PURIFF, P stands for performance testing, U covers unit testing, R deals with non-regression tests, I represents integration testing, F is for functional tests and the last F covers non-functional tests. A Scrum team can use it as a checklist to determine which categories of tests are relevant in the given context.
Software tests that look at the system as a black box are extremely valuable. These tests are external to the application and exercise the application as a user would. This article examines how Spring Roo supports web testing using the Selenium automated web testing tool.