Software Testing Articles: Load Testing, Unit Testing, Functional Testing, Performance Testing, Agile Testing, DevOps

Transition to Agile Testing – Part 4: 7 Practical Tips

July 22, 2014 0

Software testing during the transition to Agile is not easy. This fourth and final part proposes 7 practical tips for a smooth adoption of Agile software testing practices. From better communication to test automation, these tips should help to solve some of the issues that are naturally associated with this transition. Remember that it is up to you, as a team, to implement your kind of Agile and if you love it or hate it.

Microsoft SharePoint Software Tester’s Roadmap

June 30, 2014 0

SharePoint is a web application framework and platform developed by Microsoft. It integrates Intranet, content management and document management features. Efficient software testing of this platform requires some specific knowledge that will be discussed in this article with hints and tips.

Visual Studio Online Load Testing Process

June 16, 2014 0

It is often said that “it’s always the baker’s children who have no bread”. In this very interesting article, Ed Glas explains how Microsoft manage the load testing efforts for its Visual Studio Online tool based on a Cloud architecture.

Testable Frontend JavaScript Anti-patterns

June 3, 2014 0

Software testing starts when you write the code that will be tested. In these two articles, Shane Tomlinson discusses some anti-patterns that will make your JavaScript frontend code difficult to test. He explains how to detect these anti-patterns in your code and then shows how to refactor your JavaScript to be easier to read, to reuse and to test.

Big Data: How to Test the Elephant?

May 27, 2014 0

Big Data is a big topic in software development today. When it comes to practice, software testers may not yet fully understand what is exactly Big Data. A tester knows that you need a plan for testing it. Since most Big Data lacks a traditional structure, how does Big Data quality look like? And what the are most appropriate software testing tools? This article tries to answer these questions.

Defining Test Automation Metrics

April 29, 2014 0

Tom DeMarco wrote “You can’t control what you cannot measure”.  If test automation has always been actively discussed, the returns of automated tests were usually described in a very general way. There have been so far very few methodologies that can provide you with unbiased assessment of your software testing automation process. This article proposes some of methods to define test automation key performance indicator (KPI).

Preparing for Load Testing Best Practices

April 14, 2014 3

It has been put in evidence by some famous recent failures that load testing is an important activity when you release a public web site. This article provides some hints and tips hat will allow you to prepare for successful load tests.  These load testing best practices range from working with the right team to collecting the meaningful metrics.

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