Static Analysis for C++

May 30, 2016 0

Static analysis tools have the potential to significantly improve programmer productivity as well as the safety, reliability and efficiency of the code they write. Modern static analysis has moved well beyond the mental model people often have based on “lint”: just finding simple typos. Static analysis can find subtle, complex bugs early, identify opportunities to improve performance, encourage consistent style and appropriate usage of libraries and APIs.

Reviewing Assumptions for Software QA Process Changes

May 23, 2016 1

Even the best planned software quality assurance (QA) process can meet issues when implemented and needs to be changed. In this article, Richard Ellison proposes a process to review your assumptions and improve the implementation of your software testing activities.

Testing Android Apps with Robots

May 19, 2016 0

Software robots, such as Monkey can be used to test Android applications without much manual effort. There are several such tools proposed in academia whose goal is to automatically generate test input to drive Android applications.

Replacing Rules in JUnit 5

May 17, 2016 0

Rules have disappeared in the version 5 of the JUnit open source Java testing tools. The release 5 of JUnit is still in alpha status. In this article, Herrmann Rüdiger explores what it would take to transform existing rules to the new concept so that they could run natively on JUnit 5.

Mobile End-to-End Testing at Scale

May 9, 2016 0

The promise of end-to-end (E2E) software testing — complex, real-world test scenarios from the point of view of and end user — is appealing. Many attempts have been made over the years at automating large parts of the software testing and release processes, yet most of these efforts ended up in bitter and hard learned lessons about the inherent challenges of the whole approach.

Planning for Mobile Testing Challenges

May 2, 2016 2

When you develop applications, it is hard to ignore mobile devices. Testing mobile applications provides however some additional challenges than don’t exist for desktop or web applications. In this article, Kostyantyn Kharchenko explains some of the specific challenges that you should include in your mobile testing plans.

Emotions in Software Testing

April 26, 2016 0

People are the most important success (or failure) factor in software development projects. This is also true in the software testing field. In his article “Testing Your Emotions”, Stephen Janaway explains why it is very important that software testers understand their emotions as they can be a great heuristic to guide testing.

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