How to Build a Test Engineering Culture

January 4, 2017 0

Test Engineering culture emphasises on quality ownership by all involved in a project and redefines the role of testers as engineers as quality enablers instead of gate keepers. This talk shares the experience to build a test engineering culture across the organization, how does it vary with the size of the team and the company and the role of software testersin building this culture by enabling others with tools and processes for quality improvements.

Testing Less Without Sacrificing Quality

December 20, 2016 0

When a new release is available, regression testing plays an important role in checking that changes do not negatively impact other parts of the software. The length of these tests might however conflict with the goal of having shorter release cycle. In their article, Kim Herzig, Michaela Greiler, Jacek Czerwonka and Brendan Murphy present a strategy that accelerates test processes without sacrificing product quality.

Testing with Mockito

December 20, 2016 0

Mockito is a popular and powerful open source Java mocking framework. In order to achieve good unit tests, you need to make use of mocks and stubs. And that’s exactly what this talk will be about: What is a mock?

Graphical User Interface (GUI) Testing Best Practices

December 12, 2016 0

Testing the graphical user interface (GUI) is one of the most important task of the functional testing phase, as its quality will often greatly influence the customer opinion of your application. In this article, Denis Markovtsev discusses the different types of GUI testing and presents the best practices to automate this activity.

Agile Testing without Automation?

December 7, 2016 0

Most research on Agile Testing and QA have requirements on highly automated testing/CI and an Agile or Scrum project-management structure. How can we iterate towards a more Agile testing process, with all the benefits that entails, when some of the common requirements are missing or undesirable in the near-term?

Testing Infrastructure at Google

December 6, 2016 0

One of the activity of software testing engineer at Google is to build and improve the test infrastructure to help software developers to be more productive. In this blog post, Jochen Wuttke gives a concrete example of this task.

Shift Left: Testing in the Agile World

November 28, 2016 1

Performing testing in an Agile context require a completely different approach to software testing activities that is often named “Shift Left”. This term emphasize the move of software quality activities to the beginning of the software development life cycle. In this article, Kishan Sundar shares his perspective about the consequences for Scrum teams of shifting left software testing in Agile.

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