Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests

January 5, 2022 0

Object orientation (OO) is not a trendy concept anymore, but it hasn’t certainly lost it values. The purpose of the book “Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests” is to integrate the development of object-oriented software with the Agile testing Test-Driven Development (TDD) approach, more specifically in Java. It starts with an introduction to TDD and the open source testing tools (Junit, jMock2) that will be used in the examples.

Cerberus Testing 4.13 Supports Shadow DOM

January 4, 2022 0

Cerberus Testing 4.13 open source software testing tools provides a series of new features and improvements to continuously improve your test automation journey. This release brings you new capabilities from shadow DOM support to events hooks and connectors.

How to Build a Scalable Mobile Lab for Test Automation

December 29, 2021 0

It is becoming more and more challenging to test mobile apps on different devices, with different screen sizes, running different operating systems. During the development of a mobile app, we can easily verify and test the app on a mobile simulator or emulator.

BrowserStack Acquired Nightwatch.js

December 20, 2021 0

BrowserStack has announced the acquisition of Nightwatch.js, the open source End-to-End (E2E) testing tool for web applications and websites. BrowserStack will work with the Nightwatch team to make Nighwatch.js the de facto choice for developers. Nightwatch.js will remain open-source and free.

You Need to Redefine Test Automation

December 7, 2021 0

Test Automation, a term everyone in testing probably hears on a regular basis, but what is it? If we listen to consultancies and tool vendors, it is the holy grail. If we listen to some gurus in the software testing domain, it is the current and future of testing. Others are more conservative. However, you commonly hear people say Test Automation when they actually mean Automated Testing, to be frank, they have become synonyms.

Best Practices for SQL Server Configuration Tuning and Improving Performance

December 1, 2021 0

If a SQL server is the bedrock of your app or service, then its performance will be a big part in determining the responsiveness and fluidity of the end-user experience. As such, it is only by monitoring database performance from moment to moment and tracking usage trends over time that you can optimize it successfully.

Microsoft Launches Azure Load Testing

December 1, 2021 0

Microsoft is announcing the preview of Azure Load Testing. Azure Load Testing is a fully managed Azure service that enables developers and testers to generate high-scale load with custom Apache JMeter scripts and gain actionable insights to catch and fix performance bottlenecks at scale.

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