LambdaTest with Cigniti Technologies Partners

January 18, 2023 0

Cigniti Technologies has announced a partnershipd with LambdaTest. The agreement allows Cigniti to tap into LambdaTest HyperExecute platform that provides secure, scalable, and insightful test orchestration for customers at different points in their DevOps (CI/CD) lifecycle.

Setting Your First Appium Tests Efficiently

January 16, 2023 0

Getting started with Appium is still really hard. Where should you start when you want to take your first baby steps towards performing test automation with the Appium open source testing tool?

Which Tools Are The Best for API Test Automation?

January 9, 2023 1

Head to any site in which testers and developers are seeking help on their testing, and you’ll see questions on which tools individuals should adopt, learn and use. For example, I recently read a question from one person who wanted to know whether they should learn about Postman or RestAssured for API automation.

Full-Circle Testing With Cypress

January 3, 2023 0

Cypress has taken the world by storm by brining an easy-to-use open source tool for end-to-end (E2E) automated testing. Its capabilities have proven to be useful for creating stable tests for frontend applications. But end-to-end testing is just a small part of test automation efforts. What about your API? What about your components?

SonarSource Posts Record Growth

December 27, 2022 0

SonarSource, the organization beyond the SonarLint SonarQube tools, has recently announced record growth in developer and enterprise customer adoption. With a 43% growth in its user base, SonarSource supports more than 400,000 organizations and seven million users. The Sonar solution leads the industry with total analyzed code – which now tops more than half a trillion lines of code for organizations across the world.

Testing Machine Learning Modules in Production

December 12, 2022 0

Standard software testing works just fine when you know your outputs. What happens when success means “at least 95% accuracy at least 90% of the time”? Worse still, what happens when success means “This group liked the analysis it gave, so it is fine for stuff that looks like what came in yesterday”?

Code Analysis Tools for C++

November 28, 2022 2

This presentation explores the current capabilities of existing C++ static analyzers and discuss some of the enforcements listed in the C++ Core Guidelines from a toolability aspect. It also looks into the recent “Simplify C++” trend in the language’s evolution. Finally, it explores how technology-specific analysis (like MISRA and AUTOSAR) is being adopted.

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