Free Load Testing Tools & Services

July 3, 2023 4

The software development trend that shifts the target platform from the desktop to web, cloud and mobile applications has fostered the development of load testing services and performance testing tools on the web. It is an obvious option to use web-based and cloud-based load testing tools for applications that can be accessed by web users. This article presents the free offers from commercial web load testing services providers.

Applitools Buys Preflight

June 30, 2023 0

Applitools, a vendor of test automation tools, has announced the acquisition of Preflight, a test automation platform specializing in low-code test automation. With this acquisition, Applitools expands its platform and strengthens its position as the testing platform of the future, infusing AI in key parts of the testing lifecycle.

Chaos Testing: Strengthening System Resilience with a Proactive Approach

June 28, 2023 1

Chaos testing, also known as chaos engineering, is a proactive methodology used to test the resilience and reliability of complex distributed systems. This article provides an in-depth overview of chaos testing, highlighting its benefits, key principles, techniques, the proposed chaos testing framework, and popular tools available in the market.

Code Red: The Business Impact of Code Quality

June 26, 2023 0

Code quality is an abstract concept that fails to get traction at the business level. Consequently, software companies keep trading code quality for new features. The resulting technical debt is estimated to waste up to 42% of developers’ time, causing stress and uncertainty, as well as making our job less enjoyable than it should be. Without clear and quantifiable benefits, it’s hard to build a business case for code quality.

Healing by Automating: New Survey Reveals How Software Testing Could Risk Patient Lives

June 23, 2023 0

Digital transformation in the healthcare sector has accelerated in recent years, driven by the global pandemic and increased virtual connectivity. As healthcare organizations aim to harness the value of modern technologies such as virtual care, data analytics, and artificial intelligence, they also confront the critical necessity of robust software testing strategies.

A Medley of Frontend and Backend Performance Testing Techniques

June 13, 2023 1

Frontend and backend performance are key elements in the success of websites. This presentation introduces you to both frontend and backend performance testing and why a medley of these software testing activities are needed to make sure that your website is performant.

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