TDD at the System Scale

August 18, 2010 0

System tests have the reputation of being slow (not entirely avoidable, I admit), difficult to automate reliably and difficult to diagnose when they fail. However, I find that many teams follow a TDD process at the unit-level, but do post-hoc testing at the system level, and so don’t use system tests as a source of design feedback. This blog post shows how you should do TDD at the system scale.

Software Systems do not Work Well…

June 23, 2010 0

As a rule, software systems do not work well until they have been used, and have failed repeatedly, in real applications. Dave Parnas, Communications of the ACM (33, 6 June 1990 p.636)

Coding and Testing: Testers and Programmers Working Together

June 21, 2010 0

The idea of driving development with tests has been popularized by the agile development movement. The fact is that testing and coding are inseparable components of software development. We get the best results with testers and programmers work closely together. How can we deliver real value to the business frequently? How can we know how much testing is enough? Let’s look at how testers and programmers collaborate to produce high-quality software.

gasq – Global Association for Software Quality

June 14, 2010 0

gasq (Global Association for Software Quality) is an international, member-based, non-profit association, a so-called “AISBL” (international association without financial interest). It is officially registered with the Belgian and European authorities. It is a non-governmental organization and has not received any government subsidies to be set up. Founding members of gasq come from all of Europe, but also from The Americas and Asia. The main goal of gasq is to support software quality in research, teachings and industry.

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