Extreme Unit Testing

January 13, 2012 0

eXtreme programming is an Agile software development methodologies. It involves extremely short incremental release cycles, early and frequent testing, heavy use of design refactoring, and pair programming. This article proposes a process model called “ordered incremental testing” where guidance on test order is provided. Testing is conducted iteratively with very short iteration cycles as a single class is developed. Although early and frequent testing is very important, there is little guidance about specifics of the testing process.

Unit Testing on iOS

January 10, 2012 0

This video presents the basics for getting OCUnit/SenTest set up on new and existing projects, including running those tests from the command line. For the fans of Rspec style specs, it presents briefly Kiwi, which wraps the built in testing framework with a block-based syntax.

Testing JavaScript with JSTestDriver

January 9, 2012 0

Js-test-driver is an open source JavaScript unit tests runner written in Java. The project was started at Google and is under active development. This article provides a step by step process on how to JSTestDriver to write tests for Javascript. This article starts with an overview of the tool architecture before explaining its configuration, how to run js-test-driver from the command line and how to run it from Eclipse. The main part shows how to write tests and presents the most important features of js-test-drivers. Debugging of tests in Firefox and Chrome is also discussed.

Software Testing Premature Funeral

January 3, 2012 0

In this blog post, Rob van Steenbergen  add his humorous input to the current debate about the death of software testing. He mentions a lot of reasons why we should stop testing like: * a user will follow the manual strictly * a user will do no strange things with the software * a user will not make mistakes using the software Find many other reasons of this type in his blog.

Unit Testing and Mocking Tools Directory

December 15, 2011 0

The Unit Testing and Mocking Tools Directory presents a list of unit testing and mocking tools, both open source and commercial, for the main programming languages (Java, .NET, ruby, etc). It contains also a list of resources associated to this topic. Visit http://www.unittestingtools.com/

Bug Prediction at Google

December 15, 2011 0

Every month, 50% of the Google code base changes. This is a lot of code and a lot of people. In order to ensure that its code base stays healthy, Google uses a bug prediction algorithm. This blog post discusses how Google develop this machine-learning and statistical analysis tools that tries to guess whether a piece of code is potentially buggy or not, usually within some confidence range. Bug prediction is not an objective measure by any means, but it is used to place a warning in our code review system on specific files. Whenever a reviewer logs in to review that code, the warning will appear, which hopefully will encourage them to spend some more time reviewing the code or hand off the review to someone more experienced if need be.

Web Consistency Testing

December 14, 2011 0

Web Consistency Testing is a new form of automated Web testing that answers the simple question “does this page look the way it should?”. Historically, the way a page looks has been relegated to the status of “design artifact” and as such, been treated as something that must be tested with human eyes.

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