TDD Makes Software Development Fun Again

April 15, 2013 1

When discussing TDD with my friends and coworkers, often heatedly, an interesting pattern has appeared. All of the arguments about expensive refactoring and the need for up-front design are never really challenged. Instead, what has always been the final refuge for those arguing for TDD is that it makes development fun again.

QTP Best Practices

March 26, 2013 3

HP Quick Test Professional is a test automation tool, also known as QTP. It is used to automate functional, regression and smoke test cases. It is a very popular software testing tool and works on MS windows O/S, supports development technologies like Active X, Delphi, Java, .Net, Oracle, People Soft, Web services etc. This article presents some best practices while doing automation using QTP.

Strategies for Testing Event-Driven Programs

March 14, 2013 0

Testing strategies are well understood and established in traditional Object Oriented and/or functional settings. The same is not true for asynchronous, event-driven paradigms such as the actor model, in which the timing and execution context of assertions is important and temporal relations between generated events become test objectives.

So You Are Automated… Now Let’s Make it Fast!

March 7, 2013 0

A detailed guide to creating a mature and paralellizable automated software testing suite. This talk will cover things such as data independence, atomic tests, state generation, testing oriented pages. It includes sample code, demos and funny cat memes.

State of Mobile Testing 2013

March 4, 2013 2

Are you doing enough mobile testing? Most don’t, find out how you compare to other development and testing teams. XBOSoft surveyed global software development and software testing teams to understand mobile testing best practices. Use the results from their report to benchmark your own efforts. Below is an article based on the part of the report that covers what types of testing organizations do.

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