Writing Well-Abstracted Self-Testing Automation

June 6, 2013 0

One of the biggest challenges in writing test automation scripts comes in keeping pace with the rapid changes of the application under test. One small “critical” change made by a dev at midnight can result in hours of painful investigation and test script repair for you the next morning(s).

Using Mock Objects in C#

June 3, 2013 0

When you need to perform unit testing in an independent way, you use mock objects. Mock objects are simulated objects that mimic the behavior of real objects in controlled ways. In this excerpt of their book “Pragmatic Unit Testing in C# with NUnit”, Andy Hunt, Dave Thomas and Matt Hargett explain how to avoid coupling when you build your C# unit tests.

How Twitter Does Performance Testing

May 30, 2013 0

James Waldrop of Twitter discusses the tools, process and philosophy that goes into performance testing at Twitter. Particular emphasis will be placed on the Iago open source load testing library, which he wrote to enable Twitter’s engineering teams to perform load tests before deploying code to production. This presentation dives into implementation details of some of these tests (including source code) and how complicating factors such as OAuth and arbitrary Thrift protocols are managed. Video producer: https://developers.google.com/google-test-automation-conference/ Slides: http://goo.gl/9VY2b

PHP Unit Testing with PHPUnit

May 28, 2013 4

PHPUnit is an open source unit testing software framework for software written in the PHP programming language. Created by Sebastian Bergmann, PHPUnit is one of the xUnit family of frameworks that originated with Kent Beck’s SUnit. This article will explore PHPUnit specifically as a way to introduce the basics of automated unit testing. You’ll need a basic grasp of the PHP programming language to proceed!

Adventures in Exploratory Software Testing

May 22, 2013 0

Exploratory testing is an approach to software testing that is defined as doing in the same activity application learning, test cases and test design and execution. In this article, Martin Jansson and Greger Nolmark propose to perform exploratory testing using a storytelling game format. This is a game where two or more persons collaborate on telling a spontaneous story.

Lessons Learned from Managing Software Testing Teams

May 17, 2013 1

Johanna Rothman first started managing a software testing group in 1988. Since then, she managed software testers, coached testers or coached project managers and managers in what they should—and should not—expect from testers.

Testing Android Apps with Robotium and JBehave

May 13, 2013 2

The purpose of the article is to implement a Behavior Driver Development (BDD) infrastructure for Android applications with the JBehave open source BDD  tool  and Robotium open source Android testing software. We will go through complete architectural understandings and try to set-up the framework.

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