Automating WebPagetest with wpt-script

February 13, 2014 0

WebPagetest is an awesome tool, but out of the box there isn’t an easy way to run large numbers of tests and get performance trends over time. This video presents wpt-script, an open source tool that makes this process much easier. wpt-script is the short name for WebPagetest Script, a simple wrapper for the WebPagetest API that allows you to easily generate tests and graph results.

Developing a Model to Evaluate and Improve Mobile User Experience

February 11, 2014 2

A Model Based Approach To Evaluating and Improving Mobile User Experience was the first article of Philip Lew that introduced the context that creates the need for a model-based approach to evaluate mobile user experience. This article presents the concepts of the ISO 25010 model and 2Q2U (Quality, Quality in use, actual Usability and User experience).

Karma: a Test Runner for JavaScript

February 6, 2014 0

This video is an introduction to Karma, an open source test runner that makes testing JavaScript applications in real browsers frictionless and enjoyable.

UI Testing with CasperJS

February 3, 2014 0

CasperJS is an open source navigation scripting and testing utility written in Javascript for the PhantomJS WebKit headless browser and SlimerJS (Gecko). It eases the process of defining a full navigation scenario and provides useful high-level functions, methods and syntactic sugar for doing common tasks. PhantomJS is a headless WebKit scriptable with a JavaScript API. It has fast and native support for various web standards: DOM handling, CSS selector, JSON, Canvas, and SVG.

Unit Testing Web Applications with Intern

January 30, 2014 0

Intern is an open source software testing tool for Javascript. It runs tests using the browser or node.js and seamlessly integrates with SauceLabs or Selenium. You can write tests using object, TDD, or BDD styles and get full code coverage reporting with Istanbul. This article by Alvin Liu, Todd Kaplinger and Mingzhe Huang provides a presentation of Intern and explains how to use it to test web applications.

Solving Intermittent Issues and Random Failures

January 27, 2014 0

There’s nothing more frustrating than seeing that almost-green test suite ruined by a couple of intermittent issues that are difficult to reproduce. Intermittent issues are not only a maintenance pain, but they also lead to low confidence in the test tools themselves. This presentation goes through a few of the more common reasons for these failures, shares some mitigation strategies and tells some stories about some intermittent failures that were caused by some surprising issues.

A Model Based Approach To Evaluate and Improve Mobile User Experience

January 27, 2014 1

With the increased importance of targeting mobile devices in the software development world, we need better tools to assess the quality of the user experience (UX) on these devices. This article introduces the context that creates the need for a model-based approach to evaluate mobile user experience so that different software, or versions of the same software, can be evaluated in a consistent way.

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