This video presents a self-healing approaches in your test automation may reduce failures due to non-product related issues and improve stability of your Selenium tests to catch only product related defects.
All automated UI tests sooner or later catch NoSuchElementException due to the changed layout and broken selectors. As a result, the test crashes and the build turns red. This presentation discusses the new self-healing automation tool – Healenium, that allows you to overcome problems of instability of autotests automatically and spend less time on test maintenance.
Healenium is an open source software testing tool that improves stability of Selenium-based test cases, handling changes of updated web elements. You are able to use all Selenium supported languages like Java/Python/JS/C#. Healenium acts as proxy between client and selenium server. In the demo part, we will make sure that UI changes will not affect your automated E2E test stability.
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