Automated Load Testing Course with Gatling

September 17, 2024 0

QA had thoroughly tested the new release, performed Unit tests, functional tests and yet… we still crashed. The ultimate goal in development is to make sure the application works for the end users in the production env, not just in QA. This is where load testing and Gatling come in.

QA&TEST, Bilbao, Spain, October 9-11 2024

September 16, 2024 0

QA&TEST is a three-day international conference on software quality assurance and software testing on embedded software and software systems that takes place every year in Bilbao, Spain.

Automated Testing of PDF Documents

September 13, 2024 1

In a paperless era, the PDF format has become a de facto standard from creating documents like bank account statements, utility invoices or hotel booking confirmations. This article explores the different ways to automate the testing of PDF documents.

Black Friday Testing Tips for a Crash-Free Shopping Spree

September 4, 2024 0

The two biggest shopping days are Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and both bring unprecedented amounts of traffic to retail websites as people search for the best offers. This is also true for the holiday shopping season of 2024, as forecasts show that sales through the Internet are going to hit new highs. For example, U.S. consumers spent $9.8 billion online on Black Friday 2023 alone, marking a 7.5% increase from the previous year.

The Extensive Testing Behind RNG-based Games

September 3, 2024 0

Random number generators (RNG) are one of the cogs in the multibillion-dollar gaming industry. Many of us will only see the fascinating result of game designs, some of which have been years in the making. If it wasn’t for cutting-edge technology and true innovators within the sector, then the development of the games wouldn’t be anywhere near as impressive as it’s been since the beginning of this century.

Software Quality Engineering for DevOps Teams

September 2, 2024 0

To continuously deliver IT systems at speed with a focus on business value, DevOps high-performance cross-functional IT delivery teams integrate quality engineering in their way of working. Quality engineering is the new concept in achieving the right quality of IT systems. DevOps teams take joint responsibility to deliver IT systems with business value to their users.