Parallel Mobile Testing with Appium – Part 1: Android

April 24, 2017 0

Software testing is an important and tricky topic for mobile app development. With multiple operating systems versions and devices manufacturers, it is very time consuming to cover all possible combinations. This is why it is recommended to automate testing with a parallel perspective rather than performing tests sequentially. In this article, Tarik Demirović explains how to implement parallel mobile testing for Android devices with Appium.

Testing What Matters with VeST

April 19, 2017 0

Tired of projects where the wrong thing is tested? Finding TDD too time-consuming or too hard? High test coverage and your users still find bugs? Don’t understand if your tests are unit, integration, automation? InVEST in your future; come and discover how vertical slice technology helps to write those tests that matter.

Unit Testing Angular 2 with Jasmine

April 18, 2017 0

Jasmine is an open source behavior-driven development (BDD) framework for testing JavaScript code. Angular is a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications using Typescript/JavaScript (JS) and other languages. In his article, Gerard Sans offers a presentation of Jasmine, discusses the unit testing of AngularJS and shares some Unit Testing recipes for Angular 2: Components, Services, Http and MockBackend, Directives, Pipes, Routes, Observables and EventEmitter.

Integration Testing from the Trenches

April 5, 2017 0

Years after Kent Beck provided JUnit, unit testing is part of most developer teams tooling. However, there is a trend that tends to threaten unit testing, claiming only integration testing can truly detects defects in software. This presentation first defines what unit testing and integration testing are, and their respective pros, cons and uses. Then, it explores the unique challenges posed by integration testing. Finally, tools and techniques are presented so that integration testing can become a true asset in each software developer bag of tricks.

Improve Software Testing with Relevant Code Coverage

April 3, 2017 0

Code coverage is a software testing metric that measures the degree to which the source code of a program is tested by a particular test suite. This metrics is often difficult to understand and interpret for software development teams. In this article, Eran Sher proposes a better approach to code coverage that is more adapted to the current situation of continuous delivery and service architecture.