Software Testing in a Continuous Delivery World

February 22, 2017 0

A team that releases every commit needs to take software testing seriously. This talk explains what kinds of testing a team needs when working with Continuous Delivery. It will need to evolve new ways of testing. It will have new dynamics of testers working with developers. It will find new ways of of interacting with customers, stakeholders and product owners. And it will have completely new demands that require the testing mindset.

Modern Test Management: People First

February 21, 2017 1

Since the publication of Peopleware by Tom DeMarco and Tim Lister in 1987, the importance of people in the success of software development projects could not be underestimated. This is also true in the software testing domain. In this article, Anna Royzman discusses some of the essential skills of modern software testers that managers should nurture and develop.

Automating Cross-browser JavaScript Unit Testing

February 13, 2017 0

What might seem obvious to some people could be weird to other. This is still the case for applying unit testing to JavaScript code in multiple browsers. In his blog post “Learning How to Set Up Automated, Cross-browser JavaScript Unit Testing”, Philip Walton provides a step-by-step approach process to create some automated testing of your JavaScript code.

Leveling Up Automated Tests

February 8, 2017 0

Testing has been part of the software delivery lifecycle since… forever. Now, Agile methodologies make testing part of everyone’s responsibilities. But despite this, despite big steps forward with TDD, BDD, and other approaches which bring automated testing to the forefront of the development process, many developers still behave as if testing is a second class citizen. What can you do to help developers a) write tests b) write meaningful tests and c) write readable tests?

Banking App: Use Mobile Testing to Make It Perfect

February 6, 2017 1

Mobile phones have changed the way many people do banking and led to the creation of many “virtual” banks that provide their services only online. In this case, the mobile app is one the key element for customer contact. In this article, Pavel Novik outlines the main software testing activities to deliver successful mobile banking apps.

Rescue Your Tests with Mutation Testing

February 1, 2017 0

Unit testing ensures your production code is relevant. But what does ensure your testing code is relevant? Come discover mutation testing and make sure your never forget another assert again. In the realm of testing, the code coverage metrics is the most often talked about. However, it doesn’t mean that the test has been useful or even that an assert has been coded. Mutation testing is a strategy to make sure that the test code is relevant.