Test Automation Anecdotes

February 6, 2012 0

Software testing practitioners, managers and consultants provides in this article illuminating, educational and funny anecdotes about their experiences with test automation. The key points of each story are put in evidence.

Using Pex and Moles to Generate Unit Tests for WCF Service Calls

February 6, 2012 0

This article provides a detailed description on how use Pex and Moles to generate unit tests for a project having external dependency(WCF Proxy) using Visual Studio 2010 SP1. The Pex tool, which automatically generates test suites with high code coverage, will be used to generate unit tests. Moles allows to replace any .NET method with a delegate. They will be generated to isolate the external dependency (WCF proxy) and behavior will be redefined using delegates.

Functional Testing Tools Directory

February 6, 2012 0

The Functional Testing Tools Directory presents a list of commercial or open source functional software testing tools like Selenium, Cucumber or JBehave. The web site also proposes pointers to tools reviews or presentations and contains a page of resources associated to functional software testing. Visit http://www.functionaltestingtools.com/

Improving Developer-Tester Collaboration with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

February 2, 2012 0

This video describes the six mechanisms in Visual Studio 2010 that enable more effective collaboration between developers and testers. These mechanisms include tools to create actionable bugs, debug historical events, and automate functional testing. Effective collaboration between developers and testers is paramount and can make the difference between shipping quality applications on time, or slipping because bugs are found late.

Testing First is Thinking First

February 2, 2012 0

“As we were saying, up-front testing really isn’t testing at all. It is really up-front design through the analysis of our tests. Can we take this testing even further? When XP came out and suggested doing unit tests, many of us realized that if we combined a series of unit tests together, we could get the equivalent of automated acceptance testing.”

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